Wednesday, October 14, 2009

cocktail hour {bellevue}

My dad likes rum and cokes, but his drinks never consist of just rum and coke. He's always adding whatever juice or other random beverages we have lying around, plus a twist of something citrus, to create what's been dubbed "Pete's Mystery Cocktail." Since no two drinks are ever the same... I'm just going to wing this one.

pete's mystery cocktail

Fill a tall glass with ice. Add 2 oz GOLD rum and top with diet coke, cranberry juice, lemonade/limeade/OJ or all of the above (pretty much anything but milk!). Garnish with a lime (if you happen to have one) and stir well.

P.S. that's me in the photo... thanks for the beer, Dad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! Pete must be so proud...